Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kymaro Body Shaper vs Ardyss Body Magic Garment

This Battle of the body shapers really was not a battle at all. The people has spoken. Like Natasha Roc. Who had this to say about the Kymaro Body Shaper. "My sister and I both bought the Kymaro body shaper and sent the items back for exchanges because they do not fit at all. We both at this point are disgusted by not only the product but the company and its representatives. We both spoke to a rep by the name of Erica at this company and she was condescending, rude, and confrontational as if we were ripping her off and disgusting in telling us both on seperate occasions that they will not be exchanging the product, returning the original product back to us and to add insult to injury our money will not be refunded back to us also."


As we can see Kymaro really has a lot of bad press going on these days. Now on the other The arydss body magic garment really is getting great review by people across the country like Raphael who said "I have tried many, many shapers out there, including all the top brands. This is by far, the best brand I have ever tried. Not only is it comfortable, but makes me feel confident again! My clothes look great on me, and this one has several added benefits that other ultra firm/firm shapers I have tried do not. It really does help my posture a great deal(something I have struggled with since high school, I am 42), and my back feels so good in it! This truly does give great back support, which is only enhanced by good posture. It slims all my not so slim areas, and instantly I feel good all over. My abs and back have never been the same, since I delivered my son by way of an emergency c-section, 5 years ago, despite my extremely active, (intense exercise, strength training and cardio, regularly) lifestyle. This Ardyss shaper not only makes me feel more confident, but physically good. Another huge benefit for me, is it slims the area that all the others I've tried seem to overlook, or do not provide enough support in-the lovehandle area. Although this garmet is pricey, the construction of it is amazingly sturdy, so I know it will last a long time with proper care. Lauren Silva is the best company to buy this brand from, in fact, the only one I know that carries the line. You must pay attention to the size chart, and make sure you get the correct size. I absolutely love this product, and will buy more of it and another style, as soon as I can afford it. Extremely well worth it."

So we can clearly see who won the battle. If you would like to get your body magic garment just click here

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